Makeup artists have a trick up their sleeve for getting perfect brows. Using a ruler and some know-how, you can follow the same measurements that they do to get spot-on eyebrows that are absolutely perfect!
This process is easy, but can be time-consuming to do every single day. If you’ve lost enough eyebrow hair, you’re probably a perfect candidate for Permanent Makeup. Give me a call and I’ll help you get through this design process for the last time! We’ll design your brows together and then tattoo them (with topical anesthesia) into place to keep you looking your best at all times.
Kimberly Armstrong is a Permanent Makeup Artist & Educator who has been designing natural-looking Permanent Cosmetic procedures for almost a decade. If you’re interested in Beautiful Brows, Smudge-Free Eyeliner or Luscious Lips, be sure to check out or call 949-466-0080 for more information.
24953 Paseo de Valencia,
Building C #14
Laguna Hills, CA 92653
949-466-0080 Cell
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